Kevin Butt
Environmental Sustainability, Toyota
Why is it important for corporations to think about their environmental impact?
Because there’s only one planet Earth. The world is facing a multitude of major environmental issues, including climate change, water scarcity, resource depletion, and habitat and species loss. More than ever, corporations should look beyond making profit to helping create societal value. In addition to our numerous internal efforts we also challenge our suppliers to match our vision as well as partner with diverse entities, ranging from individual school districts to Yellowstone National Park, to share our know-how in order to help others and maximize positive outcomes.
How are you reducing Toyota’s environmental footprint?
Toyota’s Environmental Challenge 2050 is a set of six goals that address carbon, water, materials and biodiversity issues. Each goal seeks to go beyond minimizing negative impacts to creating a net positive impact on the planet. Continuing to expand our lineup of electrified vehicles is certainly part of this, but we also look beyond our vehicle operations and examine our entire footprint. We are reducing the amount of energy and water we use and the waste we leave behind while helping others do the same.
What are some ways that you can recommend for our readers to reduce their own footprint?
First, realize that some action is better than no action. Start with the basics by shutting off lights and replacing light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs, reduce, reuse and recycle by using refillable water containers and watering plants and your yard in the early morning. Plant native plants and trees and water only in the early morning. In addition, make your next vehicle a hybrid, EV or a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle. It is about our collective efforts of small, steady steps forward
What is the biggest issue Challenge 2050 will help resolve for the future?
The biggest issue Challenge 2050 addresses is creating net positive impacts. That means doing more than just minimizing or eliminating the negative. It means helping others create meaningful, positive change for a better tomorrow.
Staff, [email protected]