Matt Damon-water org-Gary White
Water and Sanitation
Untapped Potential: Matt Damon and Gary White Want to Ease the Global Water Crisis With Innovation
An estimated 1 in 10 people lack immediate financing to access and maintain safe water systems, and 1 in 4 individuals can’t afford sanitation systems.
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Recycling system-recycle-recyclable-plastics-contamination 
Net Zero
A Vision for a More Perfect Recycling System 
As we approach Earth Day, many people will pause and ask what they can do to help the planet. Recent research shows 8 out of 10 people look to recycling as a trusted tool to protect the planet. We at The Recycling Partnership agree.
How to Reduce Your Water Footprint Without Sacrificing Quality
Kohler offers plumbing products that can significantly reduce water consumption while performing better than older models.