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The National ALS Registry Searches for Answers

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Photo courtesy of CDC

Participation in the National ALS Registry is crucial to helping find answers about ALS. If you are living with ALS, join the National ALS Registry today.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a rapidly progressive and fatal neurological disease. It affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, causing nerves in the muscle to die, thereby affecting voluntary muscle movement.

Data has shown that veterans are more likely to be diagnosed with ALS, but we know very little about the cause(s) and why ALS affects some people and not others. The National ALS Registry is working to better understand the disease and its causes.

People living with ALS can help find answers by joining the National ALS Registry

ALS researchers need as much information as they can gather about people diagnosed with ALS. Participating in the National ALS Registry is important to piecing together the puzzle of the disease.

The National ALS Registry gives people living with ALS the ability to share their stories and help further research by completing risk factor surveys. There are currently 18 different surveys, and each asks about different topics, such as:

  • Environmental exposures
  • Job history
  • Military history
  • Physical activity

Joining the National ALS Registry could lead to a better understanding of ALS and could help future generations.

Learn more about the National ALS Registry’s research efforts at

This article was paid for by CDC.

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